Correct use of brush bottles


The baby will use the bottle after birth, so the bottle is a very important part. Many people don’t understand when they are just a mother. They think that washing the bottle is a very simple matter. It is often washed easily with water. In fact, this is not true. So, what are the correct ways to use the brush bottle? Let's introduce Xiaobian to Bao Ma.

Correct use of brush bottles

1. First of all, we put the pot used to help the baby brush the bottle to be the right amount to boil to 100 degrees.

2. Put the pre-disassembled bottle into 100-degree boiling water for 3-5 minutes.

3. Turn the bottle with the bottle holder to ensure that each side of the bottle can be sterilized.

4. The next step is a crucial step. We have to brush every corner of the bottle. Especially on the periphery of the bottle mouth, we have to use a small bottle to brush the thin brush.

5, there is a straw in the bottle, this place is difficult to clean. You can use chopsticks to clean like a picture. Fast and clean.

6. After we clean every part of the bottle, we must once again put the bottle into the re-fired 100-degree boiling water for 3-5 minutes.

How to clean the baby bottle is correct

After the baby has finished drinking milk, do not pile the bottle aside, but immediately rinse it with clean water first, and disassemble all the components of the bottle, including the bottle, cap, nipple, and collar, and use a special brush one by one. Brush the inside of the bottle and clean the bottle mouth. Then carefully brush the bottle nipple with a small brush. Even the threads and vents of the nipple should be carefully brushed to ensure that there is no accumulation of milk scale.

The brush for the cleaning bottle should be selected according to the shape of the bottle. Parents can also purchase a small brush to clean the bottle nipple. Parents can use bottle-specific cleaners for cleaning. Cleaners can be selected as natural and vegetal as possible, and those that are easy to rinse are preferred. It is worthwhile to see that the milk fat in breast milk or formula is easy to remain on the utensils. There are many types of detergents in the workshop, and the cleaning power may be slightly different. After cleaning, the parents must confirm whether the utensils have been thoroughly cleaned. After the baby has finished drinking milk, the mother can first clean the bottle with a bottle brush, collect it and put it on the bottle holder to dry, to accumulate a certain amount or the size that the disinfection pot can accommodate, and then carry out the disinfection work together. Therefore, my mother must prepare a lot of bottles at a time, which is enough to meet the needs of the baby one day.

There are several steps to properly use the brush bottle, so be sure to clean yourself. Every mother needs to learn this method, the choice of bottle brush, the correct use of the bottle, etc. must do their homework seriously. Here, we must remind everyone that in the case of such parenting problems, you first need to know enough about parenting.
